Even if you don't know how to write a single line of code ...
Create Your Own Software Program in 30 Minutes or Your Money Back

This startling new invention (Patent Pending) creates an infinite number of high-demand software programs which you can sell royalty-free at any price.

"In less than 20 minutes from the time I got the download instructions for 'Make Your Own Software' I had already created a fully-functional, working piece of software.  I don't even know a single line of programming code and I created professional software in a matter of minutes. Simply amazing!"

Jason Oman
#1 Best-Selling Author of "Conversations with Millionaires"

Mike Chen
Philadelphia, PA
Friday, 9:12pm

Have you ever dreamed of starting your own million dollar software empire?

Have you ever dreamed of waking up every morning to discover you've earned a few thousand more dollars while you were asleep?

Wait ...

Before you answer those questions, let's play a little game of "what if?"

Let's see if you're the kind of person who is smart enough to benefit from this new invention.  Don't worry, not everyone is, but let's see if you are ...

What if you owned your own million dollar software empire?

What if you could easily crank out new software products to sell every day with little or no development time?

What if those products were all high demand and extremely useful?

What if you could sell them for any price at almost zero expense?

What if you could do this without knowing a single line of software code yourself?

What if you could do this without hiring a software developer to do it for you?

What if all you had to do was ...

Load up a "recipe"  
  Set a few options
Click a button and ...  

Out pops an "exe file" ready for you to sell.

And what if you could create as many of these programs as you like (the possibilities are infinite) and sell as many copies as you like at virtually no cost to you?

And what if we didn't have to play any games of "what if?"  What if this were truly your reality?

Are you ready for that question again?  I'll ask it again ...

Have you ever dreamed of starting your own million dollar software empire?

Of course you have ... Who hasn't?

Some of the greatest fortunes in the world were made in software.

Bill Gates

Ross Perot

Mark Joyner

Steve Jobs

And the list goes on ...

Of course, you know about the great titans of software and the millions and billions they've made.  But what you may not know is that there is a small legion of people out there who have quietly become independently wealthy through selling software.

I should know, I'm one of them!

Just a few short years ago I was working my way through school as a clerk in a drugstore ... Since then I've done a few things I wanted to do my whole life:

1.  I quit my life-sucking job.

2.  I moved in to a posh luxury apartment. (see photo here)

3.  I purchased my dream car.  (see photo here)

4.  I'm living my life day-to-day as I want.

So, how did I get there?

You know, it wasn't all that hard.

One day I woke up and decided to go into business for myself selling software.  Three months later I was able to quit that dead-end job and start working for myself full time.

One year later I was making 5 figures a month consistently, and I didn't have to put in 12, 10 or even 8 hour days.

All this just from selling electronic software products that you couldn't even hold in your hands.

The really cool part was that I did all this without a big staff, and without much overhead at all.  I never allowed myself to get big enough to warrant all that, and it made all the difference for me.

Looking back on it, it was really wonderful. 

No inventory.

No products to ship.

I didn't even have to be in the same location one day to the next.

I consider myself quite lucky that my father taught me how to program software from the age of five.  It takes years to really know how to write good "code," but I had already mastered it by my early teen years.

It didn't take me long to figure out why everyone else was failing ...

I used to wonder why people to whom I taught my strategies and tactics couldn't always reproduce my success.  What I finally realized was that even though I could teach people what I did, there was one little missing piece of the puzzle they didn't have:

I knew how to program software and they did not.

They were all at the mercy of other software developers who would write the code for them and the results were sometimes catastrophic.

Some developers would run their coffers dry with delay after delay.

Some would provide worthless products that simply didn't work.

Some would simply take the money and run.

I was blessed in that I could create my own products out of thin air and simply bang out the code in a matter of days.

"That's good for you, but I'm not a programmer!"

That's where "Make Your Own Software" comes in.

People have been asking me for years how I created my own software empire and I haven't held anything back.  I've been quite vocal about the tactics and methods I've used.

Again, I finally realized that they couldn't reproduce my success because they didn't know how to write software.

For a while I thought ...  That's it.  There's no way I can truly teach anyone how to duplicate my success unless I get into their heads and "download" the ability to write software right into their brains.

Obviously, that's not going to happen any time soon!

Then, in July of 2003, I was driving my old car (the hunk of junk 2003 "C32 AMG" Mercedes I traded in for my brand-new super sports car) on the highway (as I sometimes do to clear my head).  Something popped into my head that was so profound I nearly caused a wreck.

Just a few times in our lives, we get a "Great Idea."  This was one of mine ...

This great idea was nothing short of a method for creating a software program that wrote other software programs.

This is quite possibly the most powerful idea I had ever been blessed with.

I mean, think about it ...

If someone had a tool that allowed them to write their own software programs without any programming knowledge, is there any reason why they couldn't come out with a product today and start making money in just a few short days?

There's absolutely no reason, of course.  In fact, when you read some of the features I've included in here, you'll see that there truly is no excuse for failure when armed with this software.

Well ... that's not 100% true.  The only legitimate reason anyone wouldn't succeed with this would be if they didn't immediately purchase it, didn't use it, and didn't follow through on promoting the products they created.

Before I tell you exactly how it works and some of the great features I've included, just read this success story (there are more further down).

Makes Your Own Software
Success Stories - Case File: "The College Kid"

College Student Creates Software and Makes US$11,859.00** in Profit in 48 Hours


"I wanted to see how much money I could make in 48 hours."

Russell Brunson is a young college student who needed to earn some money to pay for his college tuition.

He was chosen to beta test "Make Your Own Software" because he is an experienced entrepreneur with no programming experience.

"Wednesday I received the beta copy of 'Make Your Own Software.'  Thursday in class I had an idea for a product called 'Salesletter in a Box.' (salesletterinabox.com)  Thursday after wrestling  practice I came home and started on the product.  It took me about 55 minutes to create the 1st version of the software."

The very next day, Russell put his new creation online for sale, using the exact same techniques described in the "Make Your Own Software" manuals.

True to his nature as a competitive wrestler, he decided to issue himself a challenge: "Let's see how much money I can make in 48 hours."  Russell emailed Mike about his progress as things progressed.

"Mike, $3,582 in profit so far!"

"Mike, this is great!  Now I'm up to $6,432."

The final tally?

"Mike, here's the final figure.  At the end of 48 hours I'm now up to $11,859.00 in profits."

Can you reproduce Russell's success?  If a young college student with no programming experience can do it ...

My challenge to you: Issue yourself a challenge and see if you can beat Russell's results.

"Mike, this is nuts! My skepticism has turned to complete amazement... I saw it work! $11,859 in just two days!  I saw Russell do this from step one with my own eyes.  Mike, you have provided a magic pill for anyone who wants to make software fast and profit."

Josh Anderson

I was talking to Rich Privorotsky on the phone a week after I came up with this idea and he told me about his ideas for ScrollBlast 2.0.  He wanted to hire a software developer to do this and was looking for my advice on how much he should pay them.

NOTE: To verify that this was a real conversation with Rich Privorotsky and to confirm that he not only endorses this software but used it to create ScrollBlast 2.0, you can email him directly at rich@sidekicksalesman.com

I was about to give him my standard answer, but then it struck me ...

Before I tell you what I realized, here's the standard answer.  It's important that you know this:

1.  The Cheap and Painful Way

You can go to one of those "programmer finder" sites and pay someone around $1,000 or so.  However, even if the developers have great reviews many times you'll end up buying a lemon.  The work is either incomplete, or it's not done on time, or it's just plain bad.  I know people who have had to pay no less than 5 "cheap seat" developers for the same work before they got anything that was even remotely passable.

Granted, there are cheap developers out there who do good work, but it takes time to find them.

2.  The Expensive and Reliable Way

If he knew a professional level software developer who would do the work with all the necessary beta-testing and revision, it would easily cost him $5,000 to $10,000 before the job was done.

Assuming this was a truly professional developer, the job would be done well, but he'd have to pony up a small chunk of investment capital ($10,000 isn't really all that much when you're talking about quality software development from scratch).

3.  The Learn It Yourself Way

He could throw in the towel and learn to become a software developer like me.   Of course, it would probably take him about 10 years of full time study to get to a level even close to where I am.


But, I didn't say any of that to Rich at all ...

When Rich asked me, "How much should I pay?" I paused for a second and said ...

"You know what ... ?  Nothing.  You should pay them nothing."

I then went on to tell him about an option that didn't exist before:

4.  The "Make Your Own Software" Way

No, you don't have to suffer the frustrations and rip-offs that come with trying to find a decent developer.

No, you don't have to invest thousands of dollars.

No, you don't have to learn to program software code.

You don't even have to hire a software developer or pay anyone a single dime.

With "Make Your Own Software," you can create an infinite number of software creations with just three easy steps.

"If I could go back in time 15 years to my start in business armed with just three possessions, without question one of them would be a copy of 'Make Your Own Software.'  There are more possibilities with this breakthrough tool than you have probably imagined.  Mike, this is a stroke of genius.  Bravo!"

Mark Joyner
#1 Best-Selling Author, Internet Marketing Pioneer, and a Man Who Has Sold Millions and Millions of Dollars of Software

"Make Your Own Software" Step 1:
Create or Load a "Recipe"

The possibilities here are nearly endless.

This "recipe" can be almost anything that comes in the form of a text file.

I'll give you some more examples later that will spark your imagination and give you a hint of the awesome power of this tool.

You'll see that the recipes are actually really easy to create.

"Make Your Own Software" Step 2:
Select a Few Options

You will want to establish a few "things" that people can do with your software.  This is really simple and I'll give you some real-world examples in a few minutes.

"Make Your Own Software" Step 3:
Click the "Make My Software!" Button

OK, are you ready for the hard part?  Just move your mouse over the "Make My Software!" button and click on it.

Phew!  I know that was tough.

You're Done
Out Pops an "EXE File" Which Can Be Run on Any Windows Machine

You can now use or distribute the software you just created in any way you see fit.

You'll never have to pay anyone any royalties.

You'll never have to pay any software developers.

Your head is probably already buzzing with possibilities, but let's spark your imagination even more.

After telling Mark Joyner about this software he was so excited that he immediately called me within an hour of getting my email. 

He said, "Mike, you've created something incredibly powerful here, but you'll need to show people the possibilities before they'll believe you.  Give them some real-world examples of what they can do with this thing ..."

NOTE: If you would like to verify that this was a real conversation I had with Mark Joyner himself, you can email his Personal Assistant at mark@aesop.com.  It's well-known that Aesop.com was Mark's old company (now closed) and his P.A. still gets email at that box (you'll need to verify the SpamArrest message you get in reply before she will see your message).  She will verify for you that Mark not only had this conversation with me, but that he strongly recommends "Make Your Own Software."

Then for the next 15 minutes we brainstormed software ideas that could be created with "Make Your Own Software."

This was one of the most exciting conversations I had ever had in my life!

In truth we came up with about 43 ideas in those short 15 minutes, and 20 of them were pure gold.

Here they are.   20 software program ideas that you can create with "Make Your Own Software.'

Keep in mind, the possibilities are endless.  These are just a few of the ideas we came up with.

Before you read the examples, here's another success story for your enjoyment ...

Makes Your Own Software
Success Stories - Case File: "The Bermuda Niche"

Bermuda Man Creates Niche Market in 22 Minutes


"You were right, Mike.  It's that simple."

Sean Mullan (ecomis.net) is an entrepreneur who enjoys the beautiful weather of sunny Bermuda.

He was asked to beta test "Make Your Own Software" and within minutes he was creating fully-functional professional software.

"I used it right away using some of the templates you provided and BAM! I'm creating Business Invoice Creator software within minutes!"

But he didn't stop there.

Suddenly it struck him that there are a great number of restaurants in Bermuda and that they all had one thing in common: just like any restaurant, they all had menus.

As you know, restaurants need to update their menus from time to time as tastes and times change and this can be an expensive process.  Because of this, many restaurants are printing out their menus on laser printers these days.  The problem is, you still need to have some skill to create a professional layout and this is something most restaurant owners don't have.

Sean instantly put two and two together and with the help of "Make Your Own Software" created an instant niche market.

"With a little HTML knowledge, I took one of the templates, 'spiced it up,' and BAM! I've created a Restaurant Menu Creator software with a personal touch ready to sell to my local restaurants on my island of Bermuda!"

Just a quick look around your own town can uncover hundreds of niche markets you could satisfy with software you create with "Make Your Own Software."

What will your niche be?


20 Example Programs You Could Create Instantly with "Make Your Own Software"

Remember, these are just 20 ideas I brainstormed with Mark.  The real possibilities are virtually limitless.  And this is all going to be a lot simpler than you can imagine.  Wait till you see a bonus I'm going to give you ...


Brainstorm Idea #1: Sales Letter Creator

You're going to laugh when you see how easy this is.

You've no doubt seen a number of popular software programs out there that claim to create sales letters in the blink of an eye.

Yep, these little babies are sold anywhere from $50 to $100 or more.  And I imagine that they sell like crazy.  I talk to people all the time and ask who wrote their copy and they say, "Oh, I used so and so's sales letter creator software.)

I don't see the market for software like this ever fading away ...

What It Does: Allows the user to instantly generate a sales letter.  Rather than having to slave away at copy aimlessly, it directs them down a quick and easy step by step process, they click a button, and poof! they have a salesletter.

Pretty cool!

Hey, wouldn't it be cool if you could say "(INSERT YOUR NAME HERE)'s Sales Letter Creator Software?"

What the User Sees:  They are given a number of simple questions to answer about the product or service they are selling and then click a button.  Out pops the HTML for a web based salesletter.

Who said copywriting was hard?

How to Create:  The concept here is really simple.

1.  Make the recipe: create a template for your standard sales letter.  This is really easy and could be done in Microsoft FrontPage or your favorite HTML editing software.

2.  Next, identify which parts of the letter need to be changed by the user to customize it for their product.  These are your "variables."

3.  Label these "variables" with a special tag I'll give you (don't worry, it's really easy.)

4.  Load your recipe in to "Make Your Own Software."

5.  Set a few options (like the questions you want to ask them for each variable).

6.  Click "Make My Software!"

Out pops your program ready to sell or use as you see fit.

Not making sense yet?

Don't worry, when you see "Make Your Own Software" it will all fall into place.  Once you "get it" it will be easier than you can imagine.

Plus, we have a little bonus that will make it even easier for you ...

Food for Thought:  What other kinds of sales letter or advertising material creating software could you create?


Brainstorm Idea #2: Pop Up Window Creator

As you know, this kind of software has generated millions of dollars in sales ...

You may hate pop ups, but just remember that this is only one of an infinite number of possibilities.   Also, remember that there are some legitimate uses of pop ups as well (beyond annoying advertising tactics).

What It Does: Allows the user to instantly generate the code required to put various types of "pop up" windows on their sites.

What the User Sees:  They are given a number of options (like the size of the window, what action causes the window to open, the URL of the window contents, etc ...) and they click on "Generate."  The user is then given code to put on their site.

Easy as can be!

This kind of software is in high demand because most people don't have any idea how to write pop up JavaScript code for themselves.

Can you think of any other possibilities?  I bet you can.  Read on ...

How to Create:  Most people don't realize that free JavaScripts are widely available on the Internet.  Finding one that handles pop ups couldn't be easier.  These scripts usually have a number of options or "variables" that an end user can tweak.

For example, if they want to make the window really small, all they have to do is adjust the size.  If they want to adjust the position of where the window shows up, they can do that, too.  All they have to do is adjust the "variables."

With "Make Your Own Software," all you have to do is identify these variables and put in a special tag when you find one that you want to allow your users to change.

Then you click on "Make My Software!" and an exe file (an executable Windows program like Microsoft Word, Internet Explorer, etc ...) is created for you.

Is this over your head?  

Don't worry, it's a lot easier than you think (when you see the software, you'll see).  There are some even easier examples, and we have a little surprise for you later on that will show you how we make it even easier.

Food for Thought: What about other types of scripts or HTML code?  Hmmm ... Let's see.


Brainstorm Idea #3: Customer Invoice Creator

If you have ever done business offline, you'll know that creating invoices for each of your customers can be a real pain.

What if you had a little software program to automate this task for you?

What It Does: Creates an instant invoice for your customers.  No more having to mess around in confusing accounting software or in Microsoft Word.

How many of these little babies could you sell, I wonder?

What the User Sees:  They are asked a few simple questions like "Name of Product, Price, Quantity, etc ...".  Then, they click "Generate" and out pops an invoice ready to print.

Business is fun when everything is easy.

How to Create:  This one's a little trickier, but it's not so bad once you get the knack for it.

1.  Make the recipe: create an invoice template.  In order to keep the formatting consistent, I recommend using something like "CSS" in HTML.  If you don't know what that means, don't worry.  You could probably hire someone for about $50 or less to create this template for you.

2.  Next, identify which parts of the invoice you want people to be able to change (like price, item, customer name, etc ...)

3.  Label these "variables" with a special tag I'll give you (don't worry, it's really easy.)

4.  Load your recipe in to "Make Your Own Software."

5.  Set a few options (like the questions you want to ask them for each variable).

6.  Click "Make My Software!"

Out pops your program ready to sell or use as you see fit.

Not making sense yet?

Don't worry, when you see "Make Your Own Software" it will all fall into place.  Once you "get it" it will be easier than you can imagine.

Plus, we have a little bonus that will make it even easier for you ...

Food for Thought:  Are there any other types of business forms you could create automation software for?  How big is your target market for these programs?  (I imagine anyone who owns a business or has a job would be happy for you to automate some of their tasks for them.)


Brainstorm Idea #4: eBooks

It's funny.

You could create your own eBooks with "Make Your Own Software" and so much more ...

This "e-book creation software" out on the market costs as much more even more than what I'm asking for "Make Your Own Software" and doesn't come close to the capabilities of the tool you're about to hold in your hands.

As you know, the ebook industry was pioneered by Mark Joyner over a decade ago and is now a billion dollar industry in its own right.  The demand for ebooks is going up and up.

Just about everyone has an idea for a book and the ebook distribution model is the most cost effective and profit-producing model around.

You could have your own ebook ready to sell in hours.

What It Does: Displays an ebook for your customer to download and read on their computer.

What the User Sees:  They are given a table of contents and chapters and pages to read - just like any ebook you see being sold online.

1.  Make the recipe: this can be done using standard HTML with some JavaScript for navigation throughout the book.  Once you have one recipe, you could use it to crank out book after book in minutes.

2.  Load your recipe in to "Make Your Own Software."

3.  Set a few options (like the questions you want to ask them for each variable).

4.  Click "Make My Software!"

Out pops your program ready to sell or use as you see fit.


Brainstorm Idea #5: Super Affiliate Contact Letter Writer

As you probably know, courting powerful super-affiliates is one of the most effective ways to promote your products.

The problem is, sending out emails to each of those super affiliates is a time-consuming task.  What if we could automate that somehow?

What It Does: Spits out a customized letter to send to your potential super affiliate contacts.

What the User Sees:  They are asked to fill in a few variables like the first name of the super affiliate, a personalized message to the super affiliate, product name, and so on ...

How to Create:  It can't get much easier than this ...

1.  Make the recipe: create a super affiliate letter template.  This is simply a text file with the standard contents of the letter you wish to send to the super affiliates.

2.  Next, identify which parts of the letter you want people to customize (first name, personalized message, product name, and so on ...)

3.  Label these "variables" with a special tag I'll give you (don't worry, it's really easy.)

4.  Load your recipe in to "Make Your Own Software."

5.  Set a few options (like the questions you want to ask them for each variable).

6.  Click "Make My Software!"

Out pops your program ready to sell or use as you see fit.

Still not making sense?

Don't sweat it ... I'm going to give you a little bonus that will make all of this easier than you could possibly imagine.

Food for Thought:  Hey, maybe you shouldn't sell this.  Maybe you should give this to the affiliates in your 2-tier affiliate program and let them use this as a prospecting tool?

Can you think of any other possibilities?  I bet you can ...


Brainstorm Idea #6: Web Army Knife

I'm probably going to be making someone mad with this, but I guess I'll have to take that risk.

Web Army Knife was one of the first products I ever created online.  I don't sell it anymore.  However, I sold thousands of copies at $37.77 before I gave control of the product to Dale Woodland.

This little gem had a bundle of great little features - and you could create programs that do almost every single thing Web Army Knife did with "Make Your Own Software."

Here is a short list of some of the things it could do:

  • The Mini Site Machine
  • The Web Site Colorer
  • The Deadline Creator
  • The Magic Word Jumpstarter
  • The Meta Tag Creator
  • Timed Bonus Popup
  • Affiliate Link Cloaker
  • The Popup Creator
  • Opt-In Alert Creator
  • Tell A Friend Creator
  • Favorites Adder

You get the idea ...

What It Does: A whole bunch of things!  (Hey, I didn't call it the Web Army Knife for nothing ... see the full list above)

What the User Sees:  Each feature is a program in itself.  They simply fill in a few values and out pops what they want (deadline scripts, timed bonuses, etc ...)

How to Create:  OK, since this one is so multi-faceted, I probably shouldn't get into those details here.  Suffice it to say, it's not too hard.

In fact, it'll be easier than you realize when you see one of the bonuses I'm going to give you.

Food for Thought:  What other kinds of "Army Knife" products could you sell? 


Brainstorm Idea #7: Madlibs Games

Have you ever played Mad Libs when you were a kid?  They were great fun, weren't they?

If you're not familiar with the concept, it's really simple.

You ask your friends a series of questions like "Name an animal.  Name your arch enemy ..." And so on.

Then, once your friend has answered all the questions, you read them the story they just created.  For example:

"Joe Bob was found on Madison avenue today kissing a platypus.   Authorities said that ..."

Get it?

What It Does: Creates a fun Mad Libs style game.

What the User Sees:  They are asked to answer a few questions, just like in the Mad Libs game itself.

Then, they click a button, and the answers to their questions are filled in to the blanks of the pre-written story.

How to Create:  "Mike Chen says that this one is easier than Krispy Kreme donuts."

1.  Make the recipe: create a mad libs style story template.  Just use a little creativity.  Maybe you can make a naughty one.

2.  Next, identify which parts of the story you want people to be able to swap in the game.

3.  Label these "variables" with a special tag I'll give you (don't worry, it's really easy.)

4.  Load your recipe in to "Make Your Own Software."

5.  Set a few options (like the questions you want to ask them for each variable).

6.  Click "Make My Software!"

Out pops your program ready to sell or use as you see fit.

Wasn't that fun?

There is no limit to the number of these games you could create.

Food for Thought:  Are there any other games you could create with this?

By now, it's likely that you're beginning to figure out how this works.  As you see, it's just not that hard to come up with innovative "Make Your Own Software" product ideas ...


Brainstorm Idea #8: Greeting Card Creator

Did you know that billions of dollars are spent on Greeting Cards each year?

Electronic or printable greeting cards are starting to edge into this market.  In fact, electronic greeting cards are become more and more acceptable by people every day as the world becomes more digital.

What It Does: Creates electronic or printable greeting cards.

What the User Sees:  They are asked to fill in a few blanks like their name, the recipients name, the message to the recipient ...

They click a button and then out pops the greeting card.  (You could use "Make Your Own Software" to create a tool for electronic greeting cards or printable greeting cards ... Or maybe something totally different I haven't imagined yet.)

How to Create: 

1.  Make the recipe: create a greeting card template.  (Look out Hallmark!)

2.  Next, identify which parts you want the user to be able to customize (their name, recipients name, personal message  ...)

3.  Label these "variables" with a special tag I'll give you (don't worry, it's really easy.)

4.  Load your recipe in to "Make Your Own Software."

5.  Set a few options (like the questions you want to ask them for each variable).

6.  Click "Make My Software!"

Out pops your program ready to sell or use as you see fit.

Will you be the next greeting card tycoon?

You could create "creators" for as many different greeting cards as you like.

Food for Thought:  To be honest, most of the greeting cards I've seen really suck!

What if you could create some really cool and funny greeting cards?  Do you think people would be willing to pay you for that?

I sure would.


Brainstorm Idea #9: Viral System Creator

Viral marketing was the big buzz word for the last few years ... Even though people aren't talking about it as much as they did one year ago, it sure hasn't lost its effectiveness.

(It's funny how people follow the trends and simply forget what works.  Viral marketing works!)

What if you could create a program that created a viral marketing system for someone?  How much could you sell that software for?

What It Does: Creates a viral marketing system that someone can use to build up a stampede of traffic.

What the User Sees:  They are asked to fill in a few blanks like the name of their viral system, the contents of the follow up emails that are sent, etc ...

They click a button and then out pops some code they can load on to their site.

How to Create: 

1.  Make the recipe: OK, let's get real.  This one won't be easy by anyone's standards.  You need to have the code for the viral system itself (like the source code for StartBlaze or something like that) and you need to know what values to change and where to put in the various tags.

This would take the work of a skilled web-developer.  However once it's done ...

2.  Next, identify which parts you want the user to be able to customize (the name of the system, etc ...)

3.  Label these "variables" with a special tag I'll give you (don't worry, it's really easy.)

4.  Load your recipe in to "Make Your Own Software."

5.  Set a few options (like the questions you want to ask them for each variable).

6.  Click "Make My Software!"

Out pops your program ready to sell or use as you see fit.

Can you say "Instant Viral Marketing?"

I think I know a handful of people who would buy such a product in a hearbeat.

Food for Thought:  OK, this one's obviously not easy (and would require the work of a web-developer), but does this open up some more possibilities for you?  What other kinds of server side code could you "Generate" for people on the fly?


Brainstorm Idea #10: Check Printer

If you've ever had to write hundreds of checks, something like this sure would come in handy.

Not only could a tool like this print out hundreds of checks that you have to write for others, but it could also become an electronic payment system!

You may not know this, but if someone gives you their "Routing Number," their "Account Number," a "Check Number" and authorization to draft a check from their account for a certain amount, you can print such a check and cash it!

This is a form of electronic payment that a lot of people without merchant accounts use.

What It Does: Prints up checks.  These can be checks from your account that you use to payout others, or they can be "electronic checks" you can use to accept electronic payments over the net.

What the User Sees:  They are simply asked a few questions like "account number, amount, etc ...)

They click a button ... Presto!  Out pops a valid check!

How to Create: 

1.  Make the recipe: upload a check template.  Of course this would have to adhere to ABA banking standards.  I would recommend using something like CSS* in HTML to create such a template.  I believe these templates may even be freely available on the web. 

2.  Next, identify which parts you want the user to be able to customize (the name of the payee, the account number, etc.)

3.  Label these "variables" with a special tag I'll give you (don't worry, it's really easy.)

4.  Load your recipe in to "Make Your Own Software."

5.  Set a few options (like the questions you want to ask them for each variable).

6.  Click "Make My Software!"

Out pops your program ready to sell or use as you see fit.

Can you say "Instant Money?"

Anyone who needs to print off a large number of checks or wants to take electronic payments would love this software.  How much will you charge for it?

Food for Thought:  Is there anything else people like to customize and print?  That should give you some more ideas for software you can create with "Make Your Own Software."


Brainstorm Idea #11: Government Form Filler

We all know what a joy it is to fill out those forms the government loves for us to fill out!

I dream at night of the next opportunity I will have to fill out another 1099 or another W2!

Haha, of course I'm kidding.  The fact is, the government needs for us to fill out these forms to make their lives easier (hey, they're working for me, I don't mind making their lives easier), so it's a "necessary evil" we must all endure.

However, the process of filling out these forms sure is a heckuva lot easier if we don't have to fill them out by hand.

What if we had a piece of software that simply asked us to type in a few fields and it printed the form out for us nice and easy?

What It Does: Automates the process of filling out those beloved government forms.

What the User Sees:  They are simply asked to type in the responses to each feild on the form ...

They click a button ... Bang!  There's your government form.  Wasn't that easier than filling it out by hand?

How to Create: 

1.  Make the recipe: upload a form template.  You'll have to check with the government agency in question to make sure it adheres to their standards.  There is probably going to be a specific lay out that they will require, so you'll want to get this right.

Again, CSS* in HTML is probably the way to do this, since you can specify printable layout in CSS*.

2.  Next, identify the parts of the form to be filled in (name, rank, serial number ... ;-)

3.  Label these "variables" with a special tag I'll give you (don't worry, it's really easy.)

4.  Load your recipe in to "Make Your Own Software."

5.  Set a few options (like the questions you want to ask them for each variable).

6.  Click "Make My Software!"

Out pops your program ready to sell or use as you see fit.

Thank God for that software!

If you've ever had to fill out a stack of government forms by hand, you probably would be ready to kill for a piece of software like this.

Food for Thought:  Outside of government forms, there are probably thousands of other forms you could automate ...   Pretty big market space, huh?


Brainstorm Idea #12: Marketing Plan Creator

You'd be surprised by how many people don't have a marketing plan for their business.

The fact is, many people don't even realize that they need one.  If they could be shown the benefits of such a plan, selling a program that created one for them would be a "slam dunk."

Programs that do just that are on the market right now ranging from $100 to $500 a pop!

What It Does: Automates the creation of a marketing plan for your customers.

What the User Sees:  They are simply asked to respond to a series of questions about their business (What is your USP?  What are your primary promotional tactics?  etc ...)

They click a button ... Kaboom!  Out pops a marketing plan they can use to begin dominating their market space.

How to Create: 

1.  Make the recipe: create a marketing plan template.  Remember, this is simply a text file with some "blanks" to be filled in by your customer.  You simply set it up so they are asked a series of questions that will guide them through the process of fleshing out their marketing plan.

2.  Next, identify the parts of the form to be filled in (USP, competitive benefits, etc ...)

3.  Label these "variables" with a special tag I'll give you (don't worry, it's really easy.)

4.  Load your recipe in to "Make Your Own Software."

5.  Set a few options (like the questions you want to ask them for each variable).

6.  Click "Make My Software!"

Out pops your program ready to sell or use as you see fit.

Who said marketing had to be difficult?

If you can think back to when you were first starting your business and didn't have a clue how to market your products and services, could you see yourself spending $100 on a piece of software that would automate the creation of a marketing plan for you?

I sure would have.  It would have saved me a whole lot of trial and error.

Food for Thought:  What other kinds of plans could you create and sell?  An Internet Mareting plan?  An email marketing plan?  A product launch plan?

How about things outside of the field of business and marketing?

A wedding planner.

A party planner.

A college fund saving program planner.

What else?

Are you beginning to understand the awesome power of "Make Your Own Software?"

How many valuable products could you create per week?


Brainstorm Idea #13: WebPage-O-Matic

Years ago Mark Joyner released the first fully automated instant web page creator called WebPage-O-Matic.  Curiously he didn't sell it, he gave it away for free.  I think he did this primarily for list building purposes.

That is, people would have to sign up for his email list in order to unlock the software.   Hmm ... Was this how he built lists in the millions?

Well, you could do that or sell it.  I've seen automatic templated web page software out there for sale anywhere from $20 to $150.

I bet Mark Joyner never imagined that one day his "automatic web page builder" could be created instantly by an "automatic software builder!"

What It Does: Automates the process of creating a website!

What the User Sees:  They are simply fills in a few blanks (web page title, opening paragraph, etc ...)

They click a button ... Shazam!  Out pops a website ready for them to upload.

How to Create: 

1.  Make the recipe: create website templates.  Again, if you don't know HTML you could probably hire a high school kid to create one for you for about $20.

2.  Next, identify the parts of the website to customize (company name, contact info, body copy, etc ...)

3.  Label these "variables" with a special tag I'll give you (don't worry, it's really easy.)

4.  Load your recipe in to "Make Your Own Software."

5.  Set a few options (like the questions you want to ask them for each variable).

6.  Click "Make My Software!"

Out pops your program ready to sell or use as you see fit.

Just about everyone wants a web page ...

... but very few people actually have the skills to build one for themselves.  Do you think they'd like this kind of software?

I talk to people every day who want a website and would be ecstatic if they were offered an instant web page builder.

Food for Thought:  What other kinds of "o-matic" software can you create?

Email Newsletter "o-matic?"

Christmas Card "o-matic?"

Is your head buzzing with the possibilities like mine is?!


Brainstorm Idea #14: CIIM Order Page Creator

If you've read the Confidential Internet Intelligence Manuscript (CIIM) by Mark Joyner,  you'll know that he created the gold standard for order forms that increase your sales like crazy.

Just about anyone who knows what they're doing in business will model their web order forms after Mark's model.  That's what I do and it has made a huge difference in my sales.

Since the CIIM sells for up to $197 not everyone has access to these findings.  I didn't read it until I purchase Mark's Farewell Package and received it as a product I had rights to sell.

This is a product I'd use myself over and over again.  Whenever I create a new product for myself or a client, I use Mark's model as a standard.  If I had a program that would automate this process for me it could save me hours.

What It Does: Automates the creation of CIIM style order page.

What the User Sees:  They are asked a few questions about their product (list testimonials, product price, bonuses, etc ...)

They click a button ... Hallelujah!  Out pops an order form modeled after the most Internet Marketing order form ever created - guaranteed to boost your sales.

How to Create: 

1.  Make the recipe: create an order form template based on Mark Joyner's model in CIIM (see below for a nice surprise.)

2.  Next, identify the parts of the form to be filled in (product price, bonuses, etc ...)

3.  Label these "variables" with a special tag I'll give you (don't worry, it's really easy.)

4.  Load your recipe in to "Make Your Own Software."

5.  Set a few options (like the questions you want to ask them for each variable).

6.  Click "Make My Software!"

Out pops your program ready to sell or use as you see fit.

Can you say "Instant Sales Boost?"

What is worth to someone if they can increase their sales by just a few percentage points?  What would a mere ten percent increase in sales mean to someone in a year's time?

Anyone who sells anything on the Internet would be crazy not to purchase this kind of software.

Food for Thought:  Are there any other types of proven marketing practices that you could template and automate?

The potential money in these products is absolutely huge.  This goes way beyond simple "How To" products ...


Brainstorm Idea #15: Certificate Creator

People who offer certifications or awards of any type find themselves having to type of hundreds of certificates at a time.  If the certificate is pre-printed, they have to do this with an antiquated type-writer and find themselves frustrated by having to type slowly in order to avoid mistakes.

This is an incredibly frustrating process!

What It Does: Automates the creation of certificates.

What the User Sees:  They are asked to fill in a few simple fields (name of recipient, date, etc.)

They click a button ... There it is!  Out pops a certificate ready to print or post on the web.

How to Create: 

1.  Make the recipe: create a certificate template.  If you want to print it, I recommend using CSS*.  If you want to post it on the web, standard HTML will do.

2.  Next, identify the parts of the certificate to be filled in (name, date, etc ...)

3.  Label these "variables" with a special tag I'll give you (don't worry, it's really easy.)

4.  Load your recipe in to "Make Your Own Software."

5.  Set a few options (like the questions you want to ask them for each variable).

6.  Click "Make My Software!"

Out pops your program ready to sell or use as you see fit.

You are now a "Certified Master of Software Creation."

You could sell this to people who teach courses of any sort.  They may very well be handing out certificates for their training, and if so, this will automate the process for them.

Or maybe you could just use the product yourself.  Can you think of any interesting marketing implications of handing out certificates to your customers?

Food for Thought:  What about redeemable certificates?  What if someone were to hand out "Free Copywriting Critique Certificates" or redeemable free service certificates of various types?

Wow ... If you spark your customer's imagination just a little bit, you could get them to salivate for such software.


Brainstorm Idea #16: eZine Creator

Unless you have been living under a rock for the last few years, you most certainly know about the benefits of running your own email newsletter.

It's probably the quickest and easiest way to get low-cost sales known to man.

The problem is, most people don't have a clue where to start.  The process of writing an ezine can be really annoying and confusing.  It sure would be nice if someone made it a step-by-step fill in the blanks kind of process.

What It Does: Automates the creation of an eZine (email newsletter).

What the User Sees:  They are asked to fill in a few blanks (from name, subject line, and so on ...)

They click a button ... You've got mail!  Out pops an ezine ready for them to send to their list.

How to Create: 

1.  Make the recipe: create an email newsletter template.  (Shouldn't be too hard - just find a few that you like and model your format after them.)

2.  Next, identify the email they need to fill in (from line, subject, opening line, advertisement, etc ...)

3.  Label these "variables" with a special tag I'll give you (don't worry, it's really easy.)

4.  Load your recipe in to "Make Your Own Software."

5.  Set a few options (like the questions you want to ask them for each variable).

6.  Click "Make My Software!"

Out pops your program ready to sell or use as you see fit.

Say Hello to Instant Profits

Just about everyone I talk to dreams of starting their own Internet business.  This is the key to running a successful Internet business and you can now sell an automation tool to make running an email newsletter a snap.

Food for Thought:  What other types of Internet Marketing processes could you automate?

Or ... what other types of newsletters could you automate?  If you use CSS* you could automate a printable newsletter as well.


Brainstorm Idea #17: Restaurant Menu Creator

The trend these days with a lot of the cooler and hipper restaurants is to constantly change the menu.  Many of these menus are drawn up by hand.   Or, if they go to the trouble of getting them typeset, it's a big expensive process each time.

What if they could simply fill out a new menu on their computer each time and print them up on their laser printer on nice paper?

What It Does: Automates the creation of a restaurant menu.

What the User Sees:  They are asked to fill in a few blanks (appetizer items, main dish items, desserts, drinks, and so on ...)

They click a button ... You're cookin' with gas!  Out pops a menu ready to print.

How to Create: 

1.  Make the recipe: create a menu template.  You could do this in CSS* (if it's to be printed) or in HTML (if it's an online menu).

2.  Next, identify the items they need to fill in (appetizers, entrees, deserts, and so on ...)

3.  Label these "variables" with a special tag I'll give you (don't worry, it's really easy.)

4.  Load your recipe in to "Make Your Own Software."

5.  Set a few options (like the questions you want to ask them for each variable).

6.  Click "Make My Software!"

Out pops your program ready to sell or use as you see fit.

You're the Hero of Your Local Restaurants, and ...

Did you know that there are millions of restaurants the world over?

Food for Thought:  Can you think of any other tedious process that could be automated for the businesses you see every day?  Next time you drive down the street take notice of the businesses you see on the side of the road and then imagine what they may need ...

That's a fun and profitable process!


Brainstorm Idea #18: Joke ID Card Creator

This one is just pure fun.  Your customer could use this to create fun party favors or Club ID Cards ...

Imagine everyone who walks in to a party getting a funny ID card.  For example:

Richard Donlin
Official Underwear Inspector

Mary Joseph
Queen of Her Own Mind

... and so on.

Pretty fun, huh?

If your customers run clubs, they could use this software to print out membership cards as well.

What It Does: Automates the creation of a joke (or real) ID cards.  (Just don't use it to make fake official IDs!)

What the User Sees:  They are asked to fill in a few options (name, title, etc ...)

They click a button ... You're a card-carrying-member!  Out pops an ID card ready for fun and profit.

How to Create: 

1.  Make the recipe: create your ID card template (Again - if it will be printed, use CSS*).

2.  Next, identify the values they need to fill in (name, title, etc.)

3.  Label these "variables" with a special tag I'll give you (don't worry, it's really easy.)

4.  Load your recipe in to "Make Your Own Software."

5.  Set a few options (like the questions you want to ask them for each variable).

6.  Click "Make My Software!"

Out pops your program ready to sell or use as you see fit.

Say Hello to Instant Fun and Profit

Can you imagine some other interesting possibilities?

Food for Thought:  Beyond ID cards, what other kinds of "cards" could you automate?

What about name tags?


Brainstorm Idea #19: Business Card Creator

Just about everyone with a job or a business needs a business card.

And I think that covers a pretty wide range of the world population!

Do you think people would like a tool that would allow them to print out their own business cards without having to go through the annoying process of having it done at the printers?

I think the fact that business card creation software abounds proves this fact.

And contrary to popular belief, just because there is some competition out there doesn't mean that there is no market for your product left.  That proves that the market exists!

What It Does: Automates the creation of business cards.

What the User Sees:  They are asked to fill in a few options (name, title, phone number, etc ...)

They click a button ... You're in business!  Out pops a business card ready to print.

How to Create: 

1.  Make the recipe: create your business card template(s) (Again - if it will be printed, use CSS*).

2.  Next, identify the email they need to fill in (name, title, contact info, etc.)

3.  Label these "variables" with a special tag I'll give you (don't worry, it's really easy.)

4.  Load your recipe in to "Make Your Own Software."

5.  Set a few options (like the questions you want to ask them for each variable).

6.  Click "Make My Software!"

Out pops your program ready to sell or use as you see fit.

Do you think it would be difficult to sell this software?

I think it's safe to say that the market for this software is absolutely huge.

Food for Thought:  What if you could create some really cool business card designs that people haven't seen before?  How about a business card template that will boost your response?

For example, many business cards have special messages on the back that will inspire someone to call you.  Do you think that would increase the response you get when you hand out your cards?


Brainstorm Idea #20: Business Valuator Creator

Anyone who has ever owned a business has dreamed of selling one as well.

The problem is, most people don't have a clue what the value of their business is.

With some JavaScript, you could run a little tool on your site that calculates the value of a business for someone.

What if there was a little tool that created the script that did this?  They could customize the JavaScript and call it "Joe Bob's Business Valuator."

What It Does: Customizes a business valuation JavaScript for someone to run on their site.

What the User Sees:  They are asked to fill in a few options (name, contact info, etc.)

They click a button ... Big bucks!  Out pops a JavaScript that will help someone calculate the value of their business.

How to Create: 

1.  Make the recipe: create a business valuation JavaScript (if you know the formula, finding someone to create this JavaScript for you shouldn't be too hard).

2.  Next, identify the fields they need to change (name, contact info, special message, etc.)

3.  Label these "variables" with a special tag I'll give you (don't worry, it's really easy.)

4.  Load your recipe in to "Make Your Own Software."

5.  Set a few options (like the questions you want to ask them for each variable).

6.  Click "Make My Software!"

Out pops your program ready to sell or use as you see fit.

How many webmasters would want such a script on their website?

Just about anyone teaching business "How To" would probably love to have this.

Food for Thought:  You could create tools to customize just about any type of script in existence!

Just take a look at all of the "Creator" programs out there and you'll get a sense for how huge this market is.


Brainstorm Idea #21: Your Idea Here!

Look, these are just a few of the ideas two people came up with in a short phone conversation.

What could you create with this software?

If one of the products you created didn't sell, who cares?  Take a few more minutes and create another one!

There's something powerful about having a large number of products available to sell.  Think about it ... If you have 10 products that each earned you $100 a month, that's $1,000 a month in your pocket.

What if you could add 5 new products to your repertoire each month?  That's like giving yourself a $500 raise each month.  At the end of the year, that would be, let's see ...

$6,000 a month?

Keep in mind, these were only the best 20 of the 43 ideas Mark Joyner and I brainstormed in a single 15 minute conversation.

This should give you an example of the types of things that you can do with "Make Your Own Software" and help you understand exactly how it works.

The real possibilities are truly endless.  Once you understand how the system works, you can create an infinite number of possibilities within those parameters.

IMPORTANT: Please Do Not Go Further Without Reading The Following Paragraph

Yes, there are some catches and warnings:

3 Warnings

Warning #1: Yes, There are Some Limitations to This Software

As you have probably figured out by now, there is a particular format which your creations will have to conform to.

However, once you get that format, you'll realize that there are truly unlimited possibilities within it.

There is no limit to the number or type of programs you could create with this program.  However, there are guidelines you must follow.

It makes sense, right?  You can't write a book in Chinese if you have the English alphabet.

Warning #2: I Have No Idea How Much Money You Will Make With This

If you are getting the impression in this letter at any point that I'm guaranteeing you will earn x dollars per month or any other such clap-trap, let me clear that up right now.

No one can guarantee that you'll make money with anything, and if they do, they're not only deceiving you, they're breaking the law.

I don't know how motivated you are, and I don't know how well you will promote the products you create, so how could I predict that?

Only you will be able to answer those questions.

However, I can say that anyone with a little creativity could easily create a new product every single day.  Heck, they could probably do more than that, but let's not get too ambitious.

Warning #3:  Qualified Customers Only

Before you will be given the opportunity to purchase this software, you must first check to see if you qualify.

Only customers who meet a certain set of qualifying criteria will be allowed to purchase this software.

I'm sorry for this, but this must be done to weed out people who do not possess the minimum skills required to make themselves successful with this software.

If I don't think this product is right for you, I don't want to waste your time by selling you something that you don't need.  Fair enough?

Do you think you have what it takes to qualify?

If so, please read on.


Still with me?


Before I give you the Qualification Questionnaire and show you the current asking price, here are some other things you'll need to know:

Included Bonuses

I'm not going to bother trying to put a monetary value on these bonuses.   Frankly, if I put down what these bonuses were really worth you probably wouldn't believe me anyway.

Bonus #1:
Templates and Instructions for 20 Brainstorm Ideas

Remember the 20 ideas I listed above?

Well, just to prove that those ideas are not just pie-in-the-sky possibilities, I'll include complete "recipes" and tutorials for creating every single one of those ideas.

That's right, you'll have 20 products ready to sell from Day 1.

Even if you don't have any ideas of your own you could simply create products based on these recipes and be ready to fly in minutes.

Heck, even if you were to purchase these products themselves (not to mention the ability to sell the products themselves royalty-free) that would probably cost you more than what I'm asking for this software.

Bonus #2:
Complete Step-by-Step Software Creation Guide

This guide will show you step-by-step how to create software using "Make Your Own Software."  Frankly this guide and the program itself are all that you need to get started immediately.

Bonus #3:
How to Sell Software Online

We'll show you how to do it all from A to Z.

How to create your idea.

How to turn it into reality (using "Make Your Own Software" of course).

How to put it up for sale online and fulfill it instantly (using an inexpensive service called ClickLocker ...). 

(People could be purchasing your software while you sleep and you will have systems in place that will fulfill it instantly.  You'll have customers that you've never even talked to!)

How to take orders and receive payments without a merchant account.

(You'll be up and running making real money in no time.)

Bonus #4:
My Product Idea Goldmine

This little manual will break down the various types of software you can create with "Make Your Own Software" and even show you where you can find thousands of free software scripts that you can put to use immediately.

Bonus #5:
One Week Free Membership to ClickLocker

ClickLocker is a fantastic subscription service that will allow you to lock down your products to the machine of the person who purchased them.  This will allow you to prevent piracy and theft of your creations and shut down people who try to steal your work by asking for unfair refunds.

OK, Let's Put it All Together ...
Your 3 Steps to Success

OK, let me make it even clearer for you.

There are really only three steps you need to know about and the above bonuses, will guide you through every one of them.

1.  Generate an Idea

I've included full documentation on several techniques for generating ideas out of thin air that will leave you head spinning.

You will be amazed by how easy it is to generate ideas for products and services you could create with Make Your Own Software.

Even rank novices and people with no marketing or programming experience are surprising themselves with how quickly and easily they can generate ideas for software programs using my techniques.

2.  Turn That Idea into Reality

I've included full documentation on that as well.  As you can see from the success stories above, you can turn your ideas into reality in record time using "Make Your Own Software."

3.  Turn That Reality into Money

I've got you covered there, too.  I've included a complete manual that shows you step by step how to set up your software for sale on the net and how to generate sales.

These are the exact steps that Russell Brunson and our other success stories followed.

Secret: this is actually the exact formula that Mark Joyner himself used!  You're minutes away from learning that formula yourself.

If you're still not convinced, don't worry.  I've taken away all the risk.  You don't even have to make a decision now, because you can try it out and change your mind later.


You Have Absolutely Zero-Risk
Your Purchase is Guaranteed and Protected in Two Ways

I'm so confident you will be delighted with this product that I shall guarantee your purchase in three different ways.

Guarantee #1
3 Times Your Money Back!

Based on the success others have had and the feedback I've been receiving, I'm pretty confident I can make this guarantee:

1.  Download "Make Your Own Software"  ...

2.  Make your own software creation ...

3.  Follow my complete instructions ...

I've included everything you need:  a.  How to generate endless ideas.  b.  Hot to turn them into reality.  c.  How to turn them into money.

4.  If after following all of my instructions precisely (including my advice about how to market and promote your software creations) if you are unable to make even a single sale of your new software creation, I'll give you triple your money back.

However, I have to warn you - you must follow all of my instructions precisely.  You can't expect to sell a software program online without proper marketing and promotion, so it's vital that you do exactly as I say.

Anyone making a claim on this guarantee will, of course, have to prove that they followed all of my instructions precisely.  It's only fair, right?

Guarantee #2
60 Day Money Back Guarantee

You have a full 60 days to test out the software and see if it's for you.

If at any time during the first 60 days you are unsatisfied or are unhappy with your purchase for any reason just let me know.  I'll be happy to provide you with a prompt and courteous refund of the full purchase price on the spot.

Keep in mind that if I do issue a refund the software will no longer work.  It's only fair, right?

Makes Your Own Software
Success Stories - Case File: "The Hype Police"

Hard-Nosed Internet Lawyer Creates Software Program in Under One Hour


"'Make Your Own Software' is the best concept I've seen in all the years I've been online."

"I'm sitting here as excited as I've been in a long time."

It takes a lot to get a guy like Bob Silber (bobsilberletter.com) to get excited about something in Internet Marketing.

Bob is widely recognized as the world-leading authority on Internet Marketing law and legal counsel to the net's most successful marketers.  He's the guy people turn to when they want to make sure their websites are in legal compliance with the law, so he's not a guy you would turn to if you want noisy hype.

In fact, he's the guy who tells you to tone down your salesletters to keep you out of hot water with the FTC and other regulatory agencies.

His client list reads like a "who's who of Internet Marketing."  With a reputation like that, you could imagine he doesn't throw around his endorsements lightly.

Here's what Bob told us:

"I knocked out a 'Sales Letter Deadline Generator' in under an hour. You simply fill in a half dozen quick pieces of info, telling the Generator what you want made and it knocks out the code, ready to copy and paste into your Web site. It's the easiest way to make one of those countdown timers that provide the urgency for any marketing offer.  I can hardly wait to start my second piece of software.

"'Make Your Own Software is the best concept I've seen in all the years I've been online.  This will take the Internet by storm."


OK then, so how do you qualify for this product?

How do you find out if you are one of the lucky few who will be selected for ownership?

I've created a short quiz and I'll let you know instantly if you qualify ...

Click here to take the 60 second qualification quiz.

Good luck!


Mike Chen
"Make Your Own Software"

P.S.  Remember,  this offer will in fact disappear.  It could happen at any minute without warning.  Depending on how well sales go, it could happen today - it could happen 10 days from now - it could happen in three months.  I just don't know.  However, what I do know is that once I feel like I have enough orders to handle comfortably, I'll pull the plug.

So, check today to see if you qualify.


Perfect Network Solutions, Inc., P.O. Box 379024, Las Vegas, NV 89137
The entire contents of this site Copyright © 2005-2025  MakeYourOwnSoftware.com
All Rights Reserved

*CSS stands for "Cascading Style Sheets."  It has many uses, but one side benefit is that work done in HTML can be created in a standardized print format.  If you use standardized HTML or almost any other format, what you see on the screen is not what you'll see when you print it.  This is why we recommend that you use CSS for items to be printed.

** Results not typical.  We make no claims that you will or will not make any money whatsoever using this software.  Your results will depend on your own creativity and initiative.   These examples are provided in order to show you what others have achieved using "Make Your Own Software."

Make Your Own Software is currently in Patent Pending status in the U.S. and several other major jurisdictions.  Any attempt to reverse engineer, reproduce, or otherwise copy this software will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

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Website Traffic LLC
2105 Vista Oeste NW, Suite E #2010 Albuquerque, NM 87120
Hours of operation: 24x7, Contact: info@makeyourownsoftware.com, 888-202-4035.
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